Sunday 6 November 2011

Tomato Chutney

My family is very fond of Pickles and Chutneys. Most meals are accompanied by one or the other.

This recipe originally was a pickle recipe used by my mother and mother in law.... a long drawn laborious process which takes at least 3 days; where you have to sun the chopped tomatoes and then start the pickling process...hmph! I'm tired just thinking of it !!

Unfortunately I lack the patience and the due diligence that is required by the original recipe, so I have tweaked it to suit my fast paced lifestyle and let me tell you, after a tasting both mum and mum-in-law approve - even if a bit grudgingly ;-)

Try this recipe and I can assure you of some approving nods at your dining table too :-))


Tomatoes               - Big sized 2 (must be ripe and juicy)
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tbsp
Coriander powder  - 1tbsp
Cumin powder       - 1tsp
Vinegar                  - 1/4 cup
Sugar                     - 3 tbsp
Salt                        -  2 tbsp
Red Chilli powder   -  2tbsp
Oil                          - 3tbsp

Chop finely the tomatoes. Heat oil in a pan. Add the ginger garlic paste stirring constantly as the ginger has a tendency to stick to the pan. When the paste turns light brown add the dry powders (Coriander, Cumin, Chilli). Mix them well in the pan. Add tomatoes, sugar and salt. Cook on slow flame, mashing the tomatoes in the pan along with other ingredients. Add vinegar once the oil separates from the tomato mix. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Cool the chutney completely before pouring it in an airtight jar. This keeps well outside for a week and for about a month in the refrigerator. You will find that the taste of this chutney improves with time. You can serve this as a delicious accompaniment with any meal or even as a spread over sandwiches mixed with some mayo. As is the case with all pickles and chutneys, always use a dry clean spoon to take out the chutney from the jar.

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